Saturday, November 17, 2018

Engraved on the Heart

{UM} {TMP} {SM} {GS}
Probably Not Recommend

I have always liked Civil War era books and Underground Railroad stuff but when I found out the main character of this book had epilepsy I was even more invested since that is a subject dear to my heart.  For that reason I wish I could say I would recommend this book but one of the two intimate scenes was way too much for me {Too Much Passion} :(  There were also several {Uncomfortable Moments} and one {Graphic Scene} that briefly describes a slave taking his own life.  Also, there are a couple of mentions of Masters taking advantage of their women slaves {Subject Matter}.  Honestly, if it weren't for the {TMP} I would recommend it.
Great Civil War story from the perspective of abolitionists in the south though.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry it didn't measure up. Interesting subject to address in that time period.
    I haven't read this author--is she new to you?
