Saturday, January 8, 2022

Shadows of Swanford Abbey


{BSt} {UM}
Could Probably Recommend With Explanation

It was fun to read a mystery from Julie Klassen!
I think she did a great job including many different characters and motives so that I was not confident in pegging the murderer until the end when Klassen wanted her reader to know "who dunnit".
There definitely is a {BackStory} of infidelity and immorality with two different, unrelated characters.  That same theme bleeds into other parts of the book as there are suspicions of things going on between other people.  This was my biggest complaint; my only other one being a few {Uncomfortable Moments}.
I think I would feel comfortable recommending this book with an explanation of the backstories since the immorality is not portrayed as acceptable, and indeed, appropriately vilifies it.

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