Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Lady Jayne Disappears

{BSt} {TMP}
Probably Not Recommend

Wow!  This book certainly had me engaged and kept me guessing.
I really liked the author's writing style and use of words!
However, there is quite a {BSt} that you don't find the truth of until the end of the story of course.
My only other complaint was a little {TMP}.
Joanna Politano has another book coming out this summer and I definitely will want to give it a try...hoping for no backstory and that she will keep the language and everything as clean as this one.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Winning Miss Winthrop

{L} {UM}
Maybe Recommend with Explanation

For some reason I am having a hard time remembering the ratings I wanted to give this one.
I don't think I thought there was {TMP} but I do seem to recall an {UM} here or there.
Really, my biggest complaint about this book was the {L}.
Very often, the characters use the phrase, "Thank God".  Most of the time I felt like they really were...thanking Him.  For me though, it was used a bit too casually and too frequently to feel reverent and sincere.
The storyline was sweet though and I did enjoy the characters. 
Oh, there is a question throughout the book of one of the main character's legitimacy of birth.  However, it wasn't a topic that was dwelt on and it was positively resolved in the end so it didn't bother me too much.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Loving Lieutenant Lancaster

Easily Recommend

So super squeaky clean!  Not even any uncomfortable moments that I can think of :)
As always, Sarah Eden has written a beautifully characterized book!  The more I read, the more I realize how good she is at developing her people :)
A very sweet story that seemed to slow down a little at the end but that is easily forgiven considering how well the rest of the story progressed.
Very fun for the two famed families of the Lancasters and the Jonquils to come together in this book!