Monday, March 18, 2019

Flights of Fancy

Easily Recommend

Most of this story took place in a different setting than Jen Turano's other novels.  That was a refreshing change but the delightful silliness that characterizes her books was not absent.
There were several {Uncomfortable Moments} that weren't necessary...most of which were about how a man views her.
Anyway, pleasant and lighthearted, here is the beginning of another, sure to be great, series from Jen Turano!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Lost Girl of Astor Street

{UM} {L?}
Probably Recommend

This is a murder mystery set in the 1920's.  For some reason it was hard for me to remember that I was reading about that time period...I don't know why...maybe I just needed more descriptions.
I am pleased to announce that this was quite clean!
The only problems I had with it were a couple of {Uncomfortable Moments} and a few uses of God's name with which I wasn't super comfortable.  I need to come up with a term to describe this because it's happening a lot in the books I'm reading lately.  It's not profanity necessarily, but it's not something I would say.
Anyway, I was surprised to find that one of the main characters has epilepsy which is near and dear to my heart.  This is the second book that I've read in the last month that I didn't realize at first featured a main character that has seizures.
I considered the mystery a success because she had me guessing through almost the whole book as to who the murderer was.
Because it was so clean I would be very interested in reading more of her books!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Wager for a Wife

{UM} {a little TMP}
Probably Recommend

Of Karen Tuft's three regency novels, I would deem this one the most clean.
Just a couple of {Uncomfortable Moments} and barely {Too Much Passion}.
The story is sweet and satisfying and I would most likely feel comfortable recommending this book to anyone.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

A Worthy Heart

{UM} {TMP?} {SM} {BSt} {L?}
Probably Recommend

I really liked this second installment in the Courage to Dream series.  There were just a few {Uncomfortable Moments}, slightly {Too Much Passion} and there is a minor character who is a woman of ill repute.  Her line of work is referred to a few times and that is why I gave it the {Subject Matter} rating.  There is also a {Back Story} that is revealed involving a rape.
A couple of times I was a bit unhappy with the way the Lord's name was's probably not considered "in vain" but still, not super comfortable.
It seems like a lot of counts against it but really, I did think it a book that I would be able to recommend and I definitely want to finish the series.