Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Kit and Elizabeth

almost {TMP}
Could Recommend

First, I have to say that the cover bothered me the whole time I read it.  She looks fine but he looks entirely too cheesy and unattractive in my opinion.  Sorry, just had to get that off my chest :)
The story itself was pleasant, if not a bit long.  There were just one or two instances where I felt like it was bordering on {Too Much Passion}.
It is a sweet story if you can overlook the cover ;)...and one that I feel like I can recommend.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Brightest of Dreams

PG (13?)
Could Probably Recommend with Explanation

I have enjoyed this series and thought this was a fitting end to the stories of the group of friends that met on a boat to Canada.
The reason it got the {Subject Matter} and PG(13?) rating is because it deals with some serious issues...mainly rape and child abuse.  I felt like it was handled well and not described in such detail that I couldn't recommend it, but, it is not one I would feel good about a young girl reading... I don't know, I'm probably too cautious with my opinion but that's how I felt about it.
Great characters, unique plot in some ways and a satisfying ending :)

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Irish Healer

{L?} {SM} {UM}
Probably Recommend

I started reading this book on St. Patrick's Day...thought it would be appropriate :)
I really liked it!
There were a few questionable {Language} moments where the Lord's name was used in ways I wouldn't use it but I doubt it was intended by the author to be in vain.
Also, one secondary character becomes pregnant and is without a husband.  There are a couple of scenes where her medical condition is the focus and, although done tastefully, would probably not be super appropriate for a younger audience {Subject Matter}.
Because it is a story about a physician there were one or two other {Uncomfortable Moments} dealing with patients.
Overall, I loved the characters and it was a sweet love story!
Never having read this author before, I looked her up and was excited to see she has some mysteries out there.  I will try and get my hands on those :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Among Sand and Sunrise

Easily Recommend

This was a super cute novel set in Egypt.
I really liked the main and supporting characters.
It is the third in Henrie's American Heiress series...and I just realized I never read the second so I just put it on hold at the library :)
Very clean, very sweet romance that I would happily recommend to anyone!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

One Fell Down

Easily Recommend

This was a fun little gem I found at the library recently.  Rarely do I just peruse the shelves and see what surfaces but recently I did just that and this caught my eye.  
It was a very clean murder mystery!
It was interesting because you know the identity of the main man behind the murders almost from the get go but he is physically distant from the action and so the real mystery is who is working in the trenches for him.
This book definitely kept me reading and interested.  The setting is New Zealand so that was another fun bonus :)
I will absolutely recommend this to anyone who is looking for a super clean murder mystery!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Valley of Dreams

Easily Recommend

Another beautiful installment in the Hope Springs series!
This one didn't make me cry as much as the last one but it was still tender and a lovely read.
As usual with Sarah Eden, I had no objections to any of the content.
I wonder how many more there will be in this series...we absolutely need to hear Finnbar's story but beyond that I would be curious to see who else she could match up (although I think the doctor may get his own book :)