Wednesday, August 11, 2021

For Elise



This is another one that deals with a hard topic (rape) {Subject Matter} but it is handled tastefully and I did not have a problem with how it was presented.
It is a beautiful story of reclaimed friendship.
Sweet characters and great plot.
I would have no qualms recommending this book.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Drops of Gold


Easily Recommend

I remember from when I read this series years ago that this had been one of my favorites.
Rereading it was a pleasure.
I only give it the {Subject Matter} rating because it deals with suicide.  It is handled well though and I don't have any issues with my teenage daughter reading it.
Lovely characters and sweet always from Sarah Eden
Easily recommendable!

A Captain for Caroline Gray


Easily Recommend

A sweet story.
I didn't feel like I got to know the hero as well as I would have liked...his personality wasn't shown very well I feel.  There were also one or two loose ends that I thought the author would tie up at the end but didn't so that was a little disappointing.  However, I did like this book.  The inevitable misunderstanding was predictable and frustrating but maybe that's how these books are supposed to go :)
I could recommend this book without hesitation...nice and clean!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Friends and Foes


Easily Recommend

Sarah Eden always has great characters but I think this one in particular has such well developed and unique characters.  I like how the heroine has a very obvious physical frustration and the hero has a secret that not even his family or best friend are aware of.
Sweet, clean and easily recommendable :)