Saturday, November 25, 2023

A Change of Fortune


a tiny bit {TMP}
Easily Recommend

I don't always enjoy reading modern day chic flick type romance novels for some reason but every now and then they are a good change.
I flew through this one.  I think it was a combination of it being a good plot and me having a lot of time on my hands with not much else to do :)
I did like it with the exception of a few "deepening the kiss" moments {Too Much Passion} and I felt like the resolution at the end was too quick and easy.
Other than that though, it was a cute book and I could easily recommend it.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Lily For My Enemy


Could Recommend

I'll admit, this wasn't a page turner for me and it took me quite a while to finish it.  It wasn't bad though, just slowish.  Cute plot and characters.  I can't remember anything that was offensive to me, hence the G rating but honestly, there could have been something early on and I just forgot.
Anyway, I feel like I could recommend this book to anyone based on what I remember :)