Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Becoming Beauty

{UM} {TMP}
Possibly Recommendable...But Probably Wouldn't

I can't say that I was a fan of this book.  Aside from the few {Uncomfortable Moments} and the little bit of {Too Much Passion} it just didn't ring true for me....especially how the end wrapped up...it came together too easily and quickly.
It had a few good moments but I wouldn't say that they were worth the rest of the book :(

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Promises and Primroses

{UM} {BSt} {TMP}

I have been disappointed in Josi Kilpack's books of late, not because she's not a great writer (I really do think she is gifted in creating characters and writing a smooth and interesting storyline), but because she's been including things that I think are unnecessary and objectionable.
Hence, I was a bit wary starting this book and there were a couple of {Uncomfortable Moments}, a {Backstory} that comes into play a little bit and just a bit {Too Much Passion} for my taste.  However, I really enjoyed the plot, I loved the characters and wasn't too put off by the undesirable elements this time.
I'm actually very interested in continuing to read this series as this first book sets up the idea/motivation that will be in the background of each consequent book.

Night At The Opera

Easily Recommend

This book was squeaky clean!  I was thrilled :)
It looked/sounded mysterious so I was just a bit disappointed that there wasn't more mystery to it but that was overshadowed by the fact that it was so clean.
I could very easily recommend this book and look forward to more from Stacy Henrie!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Truth About Miss Ashbourne

{just a little TMP}
Easily Recommend

Cute, sweet, fluffy...all of the above with just a touch of {Too Much Passion}...not bad but more than I was comfortable with.  I could still recommend the book though as there was nothing else with which I had a problem.
Not a lot of depth, but a nice, light read.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Sons of Blackbird Mountain

Recommend with Explanation

I love this cover!
I really, really liked the story too!
I thought it was going to be a home run but then toward the end some things happened that I feel must be mentioned.  There is an attempted rape that doesn't go too far and then also a wedding night/morning scene.  I felt like it was all handled well but the wedding night didn't need to happen for the sake of the story and could have easily been left out.
It is a beautiful story though with a sequel on the way that I will be anxious to read.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Illusionist's Apprentice

{L?} {BSt}
Very Recommendable

Wow!  This was quite the book!  Very captivating from the very beginning!
The only reason I gave it the Language rating was because there were a few instances of the Lord's name in ways I wouldn't feel comfortable using it but wouldn't necessarily be categorized as "in vain" either.  There is a minor Backstory that doesn't play a big part in the book as well.
I did have one significant problem though...I was confused!
It's a bit of a mystery and the whole book is leading up to this wonderful conclusion, but, in the end, I didn't get it :(  There were parts I understood, but the whole web of connections and who did what and why ended up not being very clear to me.
I'm sure it's my problem and not the author's though so I will heartily recommend this book to those who are in search of a clean mystery!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Gilded Shroud

Oh my!  I can't even tell you how much I was looking forward to reading this book!
I thought I had very possibly found a clean, historical murder mystery series.
Even after the first chapter I was still very happy with it, however, after that it all went downhill and I didn't finish :(

PG 13
{L} {SM}
Not Recommend!

There was a lot of taking the Lord's name in vain {L}
Also, the murder victim was thought to have been having an affair {SM} so there began to be a lot of references to that and its implications.

I read three chapters in hopes that it wouldn't continue in that vein but alas, I will not be pursuing this series any long :(

The Descendants series

I decided to post this series all together since I had similar feelings about each book.

PG (13?)
{L} {UM} {TMP} {BS}
Definitely Not Recommend

I should learn not to get my hopes up about any book and then I won't ever be disappointed :)

First of all, the novella and After the Rain especially, were a bit confusing to me.  I felt like they were too vague on a few points and I didn't feel like I was understanding everything I should be.
Second of all, there was language in all four of them...taking the name of God in vain and also the "b" word referring to an illegitimate child.  There was also one use of a variation of the "d" word.
Thirdly, there were many an uncomfortable moment.  I can't rightly recall what they were because of all the other things I was not happy with but I remember they were there.
Fourthly, there was definitely Too Much Passion...especially in books 3 and 4.  Too much description!
Last of all, throughout, there are backstories of infidelity and a woman with very loose morals.

The plots weren't totally devoid of imagination and interest so I did give the series 2 stars.