Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Orphan Keeper

{L!} {UM!}
Recommend with an Explanation

My husband has been trying to get me to read this book for a while because he knew I would love the descriptions of the Indian cuisine!  Well, I finally ran out of books I had borrowed from the library and other people so I decided to give it a try.
It was a fascinating story!
I sped through it quite quickly and thoroughly enjoyed it!
I did have two strong objections to it though...
There was some {Language}...and not just a few times...I didn't count specifically but I'm sure we were in the double digits somewhere.  The words were more mild swear words but it definitely bothered me.
Also there were plenty of {Uncomfortable Moments}.  The subjects of the moments were all over the map and there were several.
Even with those things considered, I really thought it was a great book but before I would recommend it to anyone I would definitely explain that I wasn't completely comfortable with all the content.
****I don't usually give a book that I have such strong objections to 4 stars.  However, this is a miraculous story and based on someone's real was truly a joy to read (and very well written).
And my husband was right...I am planning on picking up Indian take out for a picnic I have scheduled tomorrow :)

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Song for the Stars

{UM}  bordering on {TMP}
Easily Recommend

I had kind of a hard time getting into this book which surprised me but it may have just been because I was trying to read it at a busy time.  I've also wondered if I have a harder time reading books written in first person for some reason, which this one is.
I loved that it was so different from all the other proper romances available.  I also enjoyed learning more about the Hawaiian culture and that it was based on an actual relationship in the author's direct family line.
There were a few {Uncomfortable Moments} and...mmmmm...just super borderline {Too Much Passion}.
I would have no problem recommending this book to anyone!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Daisies and Devotion

{UM} {TMP} {BSt}
Probably Recommend

I enjoyed this second book in the Mayfield Family series.
There was a little {Too Much Passion} for me towards the end of the book and just a few little {Uncomfortable Moments} and a bit of a {Back Story} not concerning the main characters however.
I thought it sweet and would most likely feel comfortable recommending it.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Finding Ann de Bourgh

Easily Recommend!

I wasn't sure I was going to like this book but I was very pleasantly surprised!
I loved having life breathed into a familiar character from a classic!
I loved that there was a mystery involved even though I called the villain early on...Abby didn't though...she said she didn't see it coming at all.
There were only a few {Uncomfortable Moments} but everything was very appropriate and clean...I hope Ronda Hinrichsen will write more!
The only thing was that I didn't feel like Lady Catherine was portrayed as much as the cold and frustrated woman that we catch a glimpse of in Pride and Prejudice.  She seemed to be depicted a little too warmly...but that is a small complaint for a book that I would very heartily recommend!