Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Lady's Maid

{UM} a bit {TMP} {SM}
Could Recommend

I don't know what it was but it took me quite a while to get through this book.  It wasn't that it was uninteresting but it was just a slower read for me.  Possibly could have just been my life at the time...I don't know.  
Anyway, a lot of political topics as her books tend to have.  There were two romanic relationships it focused on about equally which was interesting since most books only have one.  There was just a bit more passion {TMP} than I was comfortable with.  There were also many {Uncomfortable Moments} which also goes along with the {Subject Matter} in most cases.  A "bad part of town" is described where terrible things happen.  She doesn't go into graphic detail but you know it's an awful place and you can deduce what happens there.
I could recommend this book but it probably wouldn't be my first pick to tell someone about.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Lady of a Thousand Treasures

{UM} a tiny bit {TMP}
Easily Recommend

I love Sandra Byrd!  She has such a great sense of mystery!
This is a first book in a new series and I'm super excited about it.
It did feel a little bit drawn out but for the most part it really kept my interest and I was guessing on the conclusion until the very end.
I loved the topic of antiques and treasures and found that aspect of the book fascinating.
Only a few {Uncomfortable Moments} and the tiniest bit of {Too Much Passion}.
None of it is enough to keep me from heartily recommending this book to anyone!  Can't wait for number two coming out next year!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Diamond in the Rough

Easily Recommend

This book was very clean!  There were only a couple of mildly {Uncomfortable Moments}.
As for the story, I enjoyed it but I feel that most of Jen Turano's heroines are super similar; unconventional, at least a little bit flighty and always seem to get themselves into ridiculous situations!  I would love to see a different kind of character from her.  However, I keep reading what she writes because her stories are cute and funny and fluffy...I just know exactly what to expect...which isn't necessarily a bad thing I suppose :)
I could easily recommend this book to someone who wants a light read.