Tuesday, January 28, 2020

On Wings of Devotion

PG (13?)
Probably Wouldn't Feel Good About Recommending

This one was a tough one for me.  I love these latest books by Roseanna White but this one pushed the limits a bit for me.  All the issues I had with the story dealt with {Immorality}.  At the very beginning of the book there is a marriage that HAS to take place.  Also, one of the villains is a mistress and there is some dwelling on that point.  It also refers to the lifestyle that some of the servicemen led in the war and that is a key factor in the plot.  With all of this going on, there is also much reference to God and His healing and redemptive power...so, all of the {IM} was somewhat counteracted but it still bothered me.
What a talented author though.  Her stories are thoroughly engaging and well written.
I think I would have a hard time recommending this book because of the {IM} issues, but if you do read it, I think you will really like it :)

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Reformation of Lady Elinor

Could Recommend 
(but probably won't)

I didn't know anything about this book before I read it and I was expecting it to be just another fluffy love story.
It turned out to be a love story but also very much a history book.  There was so much information (almost too much at times) about the reformation.  It was interesting for the most part but I felt like it was really heavy on facts for a novel.  The {Subject Matter} rating is for the explanation of the popes' and other religious mens' lives and how they lived in sin.
It was fine to read but I admit to finding myself wishing to be done with it so I could move on to another book.

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Highest of Hopes

{BSt) a bit {TMP}
Could Probably Recommend

I liked this story quite a bit.  It seems Susan Mason likes to give a lot of opportunities in her novels to get to know her characters.  I feel like I know them and what they will do in certain situations.
I liked that this story was not completely predictable.
There were a couple of moments where I felt there was a bit {Too Much Passion} and there ends up being an illegitimate child {Back Story}.  I also liked that there were some legitimate disappointments for the main characters...not everything went as hoped/planned.
I feel like I could recommend this book if I were asked about it.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

To Die, To Sleep

Easily Recommend

First off, I didn't realize when I bought this that it was the third in a series; it ended up working fine as a stand alone novel though.  I do want to go back and read the first two now. 
This book kept me reading.  It was one of those that I kept going back to when I had a free moment...and one that had me reading during moments when I probably wasn't free to begin with :)
There were just a couple of mildly {Uncomfortable Moments} concerning a man who was not in his right mind and how he acted towards females.  Also, a couple of uses of, not a swear word, but a word that I'm not comfortable using.
It's definitely a suspense/murder mystery with multiple deaths.
Very well written and full of intrigue.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Christmas Heirloom

{TMP} {UM} {L?}
Maybe Recommend

I really enjoyed how this book took an object and told four different stories surrounding it through generations.
The first story in the foursome was completely fine.  I didn't have any issues with it.
I felt like the second one, though cute, did have a bit {Too Much Passion}.
The third one had some {Uncomfortable Moments} as it kept referring to a woman having too many children and how her husband needed to leave her alone.
The last one was fine except for multiple uses of thanking Deity in a way with which I am not comfortable.
I would not be extremely comfortable recommending this one although it was not super offensive...just some small things that added up.