Saturday, January 29, 2022

To Steal a Heart


{UM} {BSt}
Could Recommend with Explanation

I was excited to see Jen Turano had a new series that had some mystery worked in!
I really enjoyed the plot and characters in this book aside from a few {Uncomfortable Moments} but then toward the end we get hit with a pretty hefty duty {Backstory}.  I might have a hard time recommending this book because of it, but maybe with a bit of an explanation some people might not mind reading it anyway.
I do look forward to reading the next two in the series and hope they do not follow in this pattern.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Widow and the Highlander

{L}? {UM}
Easily Recommend

I enjoyed this second Highland book from Martha Keyes (although it is the first in this particular series).
Engaging plot, likable characters...overall a really good read.
It's funny though, like in the last book of hers that I read, there was one, mild swear word {Language} so I have kind of a hard time giving it that rating because there was ONLY one.
{Uncomfortable Moments} mostly centered around a marriage of convenience and the bride wanting no "intimacy" in the relationship.
There are three others in this series and I will be interested in reading them and can recommend this book in the mean time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Of Lands High and Low


{L}? {UM} {BSt}
Could Easily Recommend

This story was not lighthearted in the least but it was still enjoyable to read.  There was one swear word :)  {Language} It was early in the book and so I was expecting more but they never came.  There were a few {Uncomfortable Moments} dealing with disease mostly.  Also, the main character's parents were not married and so she deals with that {Backstory} of illegitimacy.
However, I felt like it was a clean, sweet story that I would not have a problem recommending to others.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Saving Shadow

Strong PG
{UM}/{TMP} {L}
Not Recommend

I was excited to read this one since I was tipped off by an instagram post that it was free on Kindle and it was about spies :)
I don't think I have read this author before but was expecting something very similar to the other authors I enjoy.  It surprised me that, very quickly, I could tell her writing was a bit amateurish.  Little things were bothering me about her style and flow.  I was willing to overlook that if the story was good though.
Then she threw in a few swear words {Language}...the count was at 3 when I was about half way through the book.  They were of the mild sort and so, even though I was disappointed, I was willing to keep going.
Not too long after that though, it seemed like all the two main characters were interested in doing was kissing.  I kind of wanted to roll my eyes and gag at some points. {TMP}  Not only was that such a focus but she also spent too much time and effort describing those kisses and so I decided I didn't really want to finish the book.
Too bad, I was enjoying the plot but I just couldn't stomach everything else.
I would not recommend this book, nor am I really interesting in trying any others from Laura Beers :(

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Shadows of Swanford Abbey


{BSt} {UM}
Could Probably Recommend With Explanation

It was fun to read a mystery from Julie Klassen!
I think she did a great job including many different characters and motives so that I was not confident in pegging the murderer until the end when Klassen wanted her reader to know "who dunnit".
There definitely is a {BackStory} of infidelity and immorality with two different, unrelated characters.  That same theme bleeds into other parts of the book as there are suspicions of things going on between other people.  This was my biggest complaint; my only other one being a few {Uncomfortable Moments}.
I think I would feel comfortable recommending this book with an explanation of the backstories since the immorality is not portrayed as acceptable, and indeed, appropriately vilifies it.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Matchmaker's Lonely Heart


Easily Recommend

Yay!  A victorian murder mystery that is clean!
I've waited a long time for this :)
Although the aftermath of murder is described I did not find it too graphic.  Just enough detail to make it intriguing but not gory.
There were only maybe one or two {Uncomfortable Moments} memory is poor concerning these but they were nothing dramatic.
I found this to be a different kind of mystery because you are pretty sure from early on who the murderer is but it doesn't make it any less interesting to continue reading.
The story lends itself to have two more books featuring the main character's cousins although there is nothing indicating follow up novels that I have found.
Let us hope they are in the works :)
I could easily recommend this book!