Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Hearts of Briarwall


{TMP} {UM}
Could Probably Recommend (Maybe with Explanation)

Let me just say, I loved Krista Jensen's writing!
She made her characters fun and crafted witty dialogue for them.
The storyline was great if not a tiny bit predictable and I was anxious to keep reading.
There were a few mildly {Uncomfortable Moments} but mostly, there were a couple of kissing scenes that were a little too descriptive for me {Too Much Passion}.  It even says in her bio that she likes to write about "really great kisses"...so, yeah...
Anyway, I would love to recommend this book to friends and probably will, but, I will mention the kissing as a little too much.
(Also, she set it up really nicely for more books featuring the same characters so I will look forward to those...minus the "really great kisses" :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

After the Funeral

strong PG
{L} {V} {BSt}
Could Probably Recommend

If I have ever read an Agatha Christie before it has been a very long time.  I don't know why I haven't read them all since I love a good mystery!
There is a rather violent murder committed though it is described quite tamely {Violence}.
There is also some mention of infidelity {Back Story} but it is not a large part of the story.
The thing that bothered me the most though was some {Language}.  It wasn't frequent or strong enough to make me put it down but it was pushing it for me.  I did not keep actual count but I would say there were about 10 instances of mild swearing.
I feel that I could recommend this book with a warning of the language.

An Alleged Rogue


G or PG
Easily Recommend

I had absolutely no complaints with this book.
It had a little bit of a different plot than is usually expected and I liked the setting of an apple orchard for many of the scenes.
This one is super clean and I could easily recommend it to anyone!

Saturday, August 13, 2022

An Uncommon Earl


Easily Recommend

This book started out kind of slow for me but picked up at the end.
It was very clean...no objections to anything...and a sweet story.
So even though it wasn't the most exciting page turner I've ever read, I would easily recommend it to anyone!