Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Harry Potter (1-7)


{UM} {L}

So I finally took the time to read the Harry Potter series...
I must say I thoroughly enjoyed them!  Not that I didn't expect to but it was really fun to be immersed in that world for a few weeks and watch the movies with my family as I finished each book.
I will say though that there was more swearing {Language} than I expected :(  The first three books had very minimal but it seemed that as the kids got older, Rowling figured they should be using "older" language.  That was really disappointing.  I wish I would have started from the beginning and crossed out words as I read.  But it wasn't until book 7 that there were a few instances of words stronger than h*** and d*** that I really did scribble.
There were also many {Uncomfortable Moments} but I guess I expected those.
Overall, my feelings were positive but I wish I could purchase an edited version of the books like I was able to of the movies.

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