Monday, July 29, 2024

Chiara's Choice


a little {TMP}
Could Recommend but Probably Won't

For some reason I just didn't love this one!
It took me forever to get through.  I had to force myself to finish it.
I really don't know exactly what it was but the characters and the plot didn't tickle my fancy :(
There was just a little bit too much description when it came to the kissing scenes {Too Much Passion} but other than that it was clean.
So, based on cleanliness I could probably recommend this book but I won't be since it bugged just a little.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Codes of Courage


a tiny bit {TMP}, {SM}
Easily Recommend

Oh boy!  It's been a while since a book has touched me as much as this one did.
Especially the ending...I can't say why...don't want to give anything away... but it was something!
There were only the smallest references to {Too Much Passion} since marriage and the resulting relationships were part of the story.  Also, because of war being a large part of the narrative {Subject Matter}, there were many scenes where dead men were mentioned and briefly described.  However, I felt like Sowards handled both the {SM} and the {TMP} tactfully.
I will recommend this book to those who wouldn't mind a tear jerker.
I've always been partial to WWII books for some reason, and this one, while not the story of faithful people of the Jewish faith escaping the Nazis that I am used to, was just as compelling and beautiful.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

To Forge Her Fate


a little {TMP}, {BSt}
Could Recommend

I don't know what it was about this book but something seemed a little bit off.
It might have been because at times I felt like the heroine was somewhat throwing herself at the hero.
I'm not sure exactly but I can't say that I loved it because of whatever this is that was a bit uncomfortable to me.
A little bit {Too Much Passion} description for me in a couple of moments but not terribly bad.
There was also some unsavory {Backstory} that was revealed throughout the book.
However, there were some good qualities I will point out....
I really liked that there was more substance to the story.  It had more too it than the usual regency stories.
I also enjoyed the little bit of mystery.
So, overall, it was kind of just okay for me.  I could recommend it if pressed.
 Stockton did a really good job of setting up the next book so I will probably end up reading it if it gets put in my path but I will not necessarily seek it out.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Deep Cover


Easily Recommend

I enjoyed this stand alone novel as much as I enjoyed the Saint Squad books!
Fast paced and interesting!
Rated PG only for subject matter being a little heavy for very young readers :)
I could easily recommend this book!